Only the first 1024 bytes of the GSD file are displayed within the preview.
; GSD-Datei für Artikel 6FX2001-xxxxx, SIEMENS
; Version : (V1.4)-(Ansprechpartner Hr. Rechinger +49(0)9131/98-3955)
; Copyright (C) SIEMENS AG 2003
; All Rights Reserved.
; Dateiname: SIEM80F9.gsg
; Datum: 07.01.2003
; Änderungen: 11.02.03:
; Infotext hinzugefügt
; 03.03.04:
; - Revision -> 1.1 / DJ
; - Softwareversion -> 4.2 / DJ
; - Hardwareversion -> 5.0 / DJ
; - Maximum number of steps adapted to OCD
; requirements (13 + 14 Bit max.) / DJ
; 05.10.04:
; - Revision -> 1.2 / DJ
; - Filename (comment) corrected
; 29.10.04:
; - Revision -> 1.3 / DJ
Only the first 1024 bytes of the GSD file are displayed within the preview.