Only the first 1024 bytes of the GSD file are displayed within the preview.
; GSD-File for ET 200iSP SIEMENS AG
; MLFB : 6ES7 152-1AA00-0AB0
; Version : V01.01.10, 30.08.07 Anha, GW
; File : "SI028110.GSE"
; reserved Text Refs : 1 ... 4
; reserved Prm Refs : 1 ... 6
; reserved Module Refs : 1 ... 41
GSD_Revision = 4
Vendor_Name = "SIEMENS"
Model_Name = "ET 200iSP(Stage3 1)DPV1"
Info_Text="Bus interface for S7-ET200iSP modules, module replacement during operation"
Revision = "V1.1"
Ident_Number = 0x8110
Protocol_Ident = 0
Station_Type = 0
FMS_supp = 0
Hardware_Release = "A1.0"
Software_Release = "Z1.0"
9.6_supp = 1
19.2_supp = 1
Only the first 1024 bytes of the GSD file are displayed within the preview.