Only the first 1024 bytes of the GSD file are displayed within the preview.
; GSD Multifunktionales Leistugsmessgeraet PROFIBUS DP ;
; Fa. GOSSEN-METRAWATT GMBH Thomas-Mann-Str. 16 - 20, D-90471 Nuernberg ;
; Tel.: 0911/8602-0 ;
; Stand: 13.08.2007 ;
Vendor_Name = "GOSSEN-METRAWATT GMBH" ; Herstellername
Model_Name = "A2000 ab 5.7" ; Herstellerbezeichnung
Revision = "2.0" ; Ausgabestand des Geraets
Ident_Number = 0x04B5 ; Ident-Nummer
Protocol_Ident = 0 ; PROFIBUS_DP Protokoll
Station_Type = 0 ; Slave-Station
Hardware_Release = "02" ; Hardware-Stand
Only the first 1024 bytes of the GSD file are displayed within the preview.