Only the first 1024 bytes of the GSD file are displayed within the preview.
; GSD-Datei fuer BC3150
; Manufacturer: Beckhoff Industrie Elektronik
; Eiserstr. 5
; 33415 Verl (Germany)
; Tel.: +49 (0)5246 963 0
; stock-nr.: BC3150
; state: 08.02.05
;----------------------- TwinCAT ----------------------
Tc_Fc310x_Slave_Intern = 1
Tc_AmsSupported = 1
;Tc_AmsFragmentSupported = 1
;------------------------- DP -------------------------
;------------------ PrmText-Definitionen --------------
PrmText = 1
Text(0) = "ist nicht aktiv"
Text(1) = "ist aktiv"
;------------- ExtUserPrmData-Definitionen --------------
ExtUserPrmData = 1 "DPV1-Dienste (Klasse 1)"
Bit(7) 0 0-1
Prm_Text_Ref = 1
;---------------------- DP-General ---------------------
GSD_Revision = 3
Vendor_Name = "BEC
Only the first 1024 bytes of the GSD file are displayed within the preview.